National Selection Based on Merit

Pengumuman Hasil Seleksi

SNBP UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang 2024

What is SNBP?

The SNBP university entrance examination is a state university entrance selection (PTN) organized by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek). This selection is based on the results of tracking academic achievement using report cards as well as students' academic and non-academic achievements.


The purpose of holding the SNBP University entrance examination is to:

  • Provide opportunities for high school / vocational / MA students at home and abroad (Sekolah Republik Indonesia / SRI) who have superior achievements to pursue higher education at PTN.
  • Provide opportunities for PTN to get prospective new students who have high academic achievements.


Students who are eligible to take the SNBP university entrance examination are students who meet the following requirements:

  • Have a National Student Identification Number (NISN).
  • Have superior achievements, both academic and non-academic.
  • Have a track record of academic achievement in the School and Student Database (PDSS).

Study Program for SNBP & SNBT Line

CoursesAccreditationDegreeBiaya PKP MahadBesaran UKT
Social Science EducationSuperiorS.Pd7.500.000400.000 - 9.669.375
English literatureBS.S10.000.000 *400.000 - 8.310.625
PsychologyBS.Psi10.000.000 *400.000 - 8.310.625
ManagementSuperiorS.M7.500.000400.000 - 8.907.500
AccountancySuperiorS.Akun7.500.000400.000 - 9.680.000
MathematicsBS.Mat7.500.000400.000 - 8.507.500
BiologyVery GoodS.Si7.500.000400.000 - 13.021.250
ChemistryBS.Si7.500.000400.000 - 8.507.500
PhysicsBS.Si7.500.000400.000 - 12.153.750
Informatics EngineeringBS.Kom7.500.000400.000 - 12.148.750
Architectural EngineeringBS.Ars7.500.000400.000 - 14.515.000
Perpustakaan dan Ilmu
GoodS.I7.500.000400.000 - 9.681.250
Tenik LingkunganNewS.T10.000.000 *400.000 - 12.153.750
Teknik SipilNewS.T10.000.000 *400.000 - 12.148.750
Mechanical EngineeringNewS.T10.000.000 *400.000 - 13.021.250
Electrical EngineeringNewS.T10.000.000 *400.000 - 14.515.000
PharmacyVery GoodS.Farm10.000.000400.000 - 16.373.750
Medical EducationVery GoodS.Ked10.000.000400.000 - 40.803.000
Untuk Program Studi dengan Biaya Kelembagaan "10.000.000*", Lokasi Mahad berada di Kampus 3.

Jadwal SNBP 2025

School quota announcement 28 Desember 2024
School quota rebuttal period 28 Desember 2024 - 17 Januari 2025
School SNPMB account registration06 - 31 Januari 2025
PDSS Charging06 - 31 Januari 2025
Student SNPMB account registration13 Januari - 18 Februari 2025
SNBP Registration04 - 18 Februari 2025
SNBP Results Announcement18 Maret 2025
Masa Unduh Kartu Peserta04 Februari - 30 April 2025
All activities on the appointed day will end at 15:00 WIB
Re-register participants who pass can be seen on the page of each PTN

Registration for the SNBP admission can be seen here
